Community (Page 2)

The Benefits of Thanksgiving

In 1 Thessalonians 5:18 Christians are instructed to be rejoice  always, pray continually and give thanks in all circumstances because it is God’s will for us. Considering our struggles and the many trials and difficulties, giving thanks in our circumstances may be challenging. Cultivating and maintaining a spirit of thankfulness may take effort and maturity […]

Do We Have the Numbers?

In 2 Kings 6: 17-20, Elisha did a marvelous thing in the life of his servant- he showed him the numbers. The war was on. A great army surrounded them and because of the numbers, the heart of the servant sank within him. In anxiety and fear he cried out for direction from the prophet. […]

Let’s be Extraordinary!

Throughout the Old and New Testament the Bible gives many examples of the great impact of persons of all ages on the achievement of the mission of God. In most cases these were ordinary persons to begin with, going about their everyday life, not conscious of the extraordinary impact they could and would have on […]

We cannot afford to be ashamed

Are we ashamed of the gospel of Christ? Are we embarrassed, distressed, feeling guilty, disappointed or foolish because of the Gospel? Let us look at the Apostle Paul in Romans chapter 1 In declaring his respect and love for the Gospel first gave us the God-guided sequence of events which brought the Gospel to us. […]

I Will Go To My Father

I will arise and go to my father (Luke 15:18). These words uttered by the Prodigal Son convey more than just a thought, plan or physical possibility. They speak to the hope he had, because of the relationship he had with his father. Whilst he was aware of his foolish actions, the negative consequences and […]

Trusting God as our father

We know he deserves our trust, love and adoration because he choose to create us (Geneses 1:26), sent his only begotten son to save us (John 3:16), adopted us as sons (Ephesians 1:5) and continues to provide for us spiritually and physically each day (Matthew 6:26, 1 John 1:7-8). Shouldn’t this knowledge cause us to […]


In Matthew chapter 28:18-20, Jesus give issues a direct command to those who would follow Him. They were to go into all the world and make disciples. Even while enduring much suffering they denied the strict orders of the Jewish council and filled Jerusalem with the Gospel of Jesus (Acts 5:27-29). Further in the book […]

What an Opportunity!

We had a wonderful six night of preaching. The congregation owes a debt of gratitude to Bro. Dave Osbourne for the able way in which he delivered those messages.  The lessons were simple and easy to understand especially because of the examples drawn from situations today. Bro. Osbourne was practical in his approach and forthright […]

God saved Us to send Us

Every true child of God was called by Christ with a divine mission and responsibility to teach and call others- Hebrews 5:12; Luke 10:2-3. Christ in fact saved us to send us out to save souls. Our evangelistic Tent Meeting that is now upon us is a heaven-sent opportunity for every true child of God […]