The Patrick Gardens church of Christ is but one of several thousand congregations of the Lord’s church established around the world.  As with all such congregations we believe that whatever we believe and practice in religion as Christians must be based on what Christ taught and authorised in His word the Bible. – 2 Timothy 3:16-17

The church of Christ is made up of all those persons who have heard the gospel, believed it, repented of all past sins, confessed their faith in Christ and have been baptized for the forgiveness of past sins – Acts 2:36,37, 38,41,42,47

The church of Christ was built by Christ and has as its foundation the truth that Jesus Christ is the Son of living God –  Matt 16:18

The church of Christ is not a denomination and is neither cultic, Roman Catholic nor Protestant. To group ourselves into denominational groupings is sinful and contrary to the will of God. It will endanger your soul. We believe that all men and women have strayed from the simple message of God’s word and have divided themselves into denominations. This goes against the teachings of the Bible as is taught in 1 Corinthians 1 vs. 10,11,12-13. Paul condemned the brethren for dividing themselves into Paul, Apollos and Cephas. The same condemnation is upon those who divide us into different churches. Jesus Christ prayed for the unity of all those who believe in Him – John 17 vs. 20-21. This unity must be based on the teachings of the apostles as Jesus showed in His prayer.

The church of Christ is the church of the Bible and for this reason the bible is the only rule of faith and practice – 2 Timothy 3 vs. 16-17. The church of Christ Believes that the Bible is the complete word of God, that it is infallible and error free. All that the Lord wanted us to know is revealed in the scriptures – 2 Peter 1 vs. 3. Hence the church of Christ has no catechism, manual or creed books to which it adheres. There is no other testament but the Bible, no other creed but Christ.

The church of Christ worships on the Lord’s day, the first day of the week – Matthew 28 vs.1, Acts 20 vs. 7. It observes the Lord’s supper ever first day of the week – Acts 20: 7, 1 Corinthians 11 vs. 20-27. It worships without the use of mechanical instruments of music – Ephesians 5 vs. 19, Hebrews 13 vs. 15; and worships in spirit and in truth – John 4 vs. 24.

To be saved you MUST be a member of this church , for that is where all the saved are added Acts 2 vs. 47. You need to be taught the gospel and believe it – Acts 15 vs. 9, repent of all past sins – Acts 17 vs. 30 – 31, confess your faith in Christ – Romans 10 vs. 9 – 10 and be immersed in water for the forgiveness of sins –Acts 22 vs. 16, Acts 2 vs. 38. Christ will then add you to His church.

We are the church of Christ and we invite you to obey the gospel call of Jesus Christ, that you too may added to his church, to those who are being saved.