What an Opportunity!

We had a wonderful six night of preaching. The congregation owes a debt of gratitude to Bro. Dave Osbourne for the able way in which he delivered those messages.  The lessons were simple and easy to understand especially because of the examples drawn from situations today. Bro. Osbourne was practical in his approach and forthright in his delivery teaching the gospel in its purity.

Throughout the nights we had many visitors from the surrounding communities, denominations, from invitations shared by us personally, through the flyer distribution exercise, mobile announcements and other means of publicity. The addition of the horns to the building increased the reach of the night’s lessons and no doubt helped some who could not have been out with us. Many who would have received flyer in their homes because of our successful distribution exercise benefitted because of the extended reach.

So the Gospel has been preached. Many far and wide have heard the word of God and already a number of studies have been set and some are in progress.  We need then to ensure that all our visitors have an opportunity to get clarity on points they may not have understood, discuss areas they think we need to understand better and most importantly be given a chance to be obedient to Christ.

The mission of Christ was to seek and save the lost. As His children our mission is clearly given in in His. (1 Peter 2:21) Let the gospel meeting therefore represent for us the refreshing, the beginning, the time for deeper commitment to evangelism. Let us give persons a chance to make an informed decision for Christ (Mark 16: 15-16). Let us strive to ensure that we carry out our duty in helping them to see the blessings of Christianity.

Let us not squander the opportunity.



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