Trusting God as our father

We know he deserves our trust, love and adoration because he choose to create us (Geneses 1:26), sent his only begotten son to save us (John 3:16), adopted us as sons (Ephesians 1:5) and continues to provide for us spiritually and physically each day (Matthew 6:26, 1 John 1:7-8). Shouldn’t this knowledge cause us to put our full trust in God? Since we know, that except God chooses to bless us with life and all that pertains to it, we would either not exist or adversely affected in this life, shouldn’t we trust Him?

Day by day He gives us the breath of life, in fact Psalms 35:9 tells us that man at his best is just a breath. Imagine if that next breath is not or cannot be drawn- what then? Being conscious of those realities, let us ask, who gives the breath of life (Geneses 2:7)? Since it is God only who rules over this element, should we not trust Him and trust Him completely.  Peter reminds us in 1 Peter 1:24 that we are all like grass, we will wither and die- that’s how frail we are. Only God and His word continues forever. We can only share in eternity with our father if we trust and obey Him.

The humility which we need to serve God, as we look towards eternity with Him, serves us well in this life also. Understanding who we are, what we are, who God is and who we can allow Him to be to us, can reshape our time on earth to one that is balanced, bondage free, and beneficial for us here and hereafter.  Understanding that we are frail humans, living in an uncertain world as temporary citizens, served by elements we do not control can only be comforting if we are knowledgeable about God and is submissive to Him.  Completely trusting a God and father who knows our makeup, is able to sustain us and loves us above all other creation, even to the granting of eternal life to us, should be our reason able action (Romans 12:1-2).

Imagine what our life would be like if we completely trusted God as our loving Father.



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