See that We abound in this grace also!

Paul in his letter to the Corinthians (2 Corinthians 8) exhorted them to grow as individuals, in their relationship with Christ in a wholesome and conscientious way. He was careful to point out to them that while they were to abound in everything, including faith, speech, knowledge, carefulness and love they were to ensure that the same attention was given to their giving.

In his direction he took time to point out examples from both heaven and earth of the importance, method, and attitude which were involved in the sincere exercise of this grace. In verse 9 he place before them the example of Jesus Christ, who thought not to consider the riches of heaven but emptied himself so that he could give us the ultimate gift- eternal life. Giving us that gift meant losing His life in the cruellest way known to man then-but He did it. He gave his life fully, sacrificially and loving for us (Philippians 2:5-8). Paul also shared the example of the churches in Macedonia. They suffered much affliction and deep poverty but were insistent that they wanted to give towards the support of the saints. Paul said what they gave was beyond their means.

What accounts for that maturity, faith and liberality? Why would someone in abject poverty beg that their gift which is above their means be accepted? They did so because they were sold on the on the power of God, they had within them a willing mind and had first given themselves. Giving to God of any and everything else became easy. Giving to God became an act of love and duty.

Like the Macedonians let us continue in our growth to that point and provoke each other that we take upon us that fellowship and grow in that grace also.

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