Let us Fight for the Faith

We have come to believe, to have faith, that our world is sustained by powers outside of ourselves, defined by rules created and maintained by the great God. Our understanding of these truths has caused us to enter into a process of conformation which will cause us to be at peace with our maker. Continuing to reap the peace provided by this relationship in this world and eternal life in the world to come requires that we be aware, ready, resolute and together in the fight for God. If we are to reap His reward we must complete the course and carryout our responsibilities as directed.

Our main responsibility is that of spreading the Gospel. As do so towards the winning of souls for Christ and rebuilding of a better world, we will have to do battle. We will have remember, that human weapons will be of little help as our fight is against principalities and powers (Ephesians 6:12). This good fight of faith (1 Tim 6:12) has to be done protected as God directs (Ephesians 6:10-18) as we stand against the wiles of our most experienced adversary- the devil. We are in a battle for the minds of men, and must strategies to get under, over, around or through whatever barriers to get to the good soil (Matthew 13:8).

We have to commit to teach, to reprove, reproof, correct (2 Tim 3:16) as we go into the entire world. With the sentiments directed at Christ and His gospel we certainly have a fight on our hands. But, whether it is on the street, in their churches, through the media, using our electronic devices, at the work place, market or even at recreational facilities let us in our speech, by our actions or through direct activities fight for the right of place of the gospel in the lives of men. The gospel can win, but without the faith of men which will drive us to contend, it will be impossible.


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