The world desperately needs Gospel

In Mark 16:15-16 Jesus instructs his disciples to, “Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation. 16 Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned…” Imagine that, purpose and peace in this life and eternity with God our creator depends on the decision we make for Jesus now. Our world needs to know that accepting, believing and living by the gospel today provides the only hope for today and for an eternity of peace with Jesus Christ.

No one wants to live a life filled with anxiety or worse to enter an eternity of hopelessness. Thank God the Gospel is here, and can be accessed by all of us now. Anyone who wishes, can begin their salvation today, now, this very minute. In a few minutes we can accept the Gospel of Christ through the same simples process used from the church began in the 1st century– faith, repentance and baptism. With one act persons are moved from hopelessness to hope through Christ. Everyone desperately needs to believe this truth.

Hebrews 11:6 helps us to understand Mark by letting us know that being pleasing to God requires Belief. Romans 10:17 tells us that to develop faith or belief in Christ persons must hear the Gospel. Our Community desperately needs to hear the gospel and Jesus Christ us to teach them in each of our communities until we reach into all the world Matthew 28:18-20. We have the gospel which the world desperately needs to live peaceable here and save them from eternal damnation (2 Corinthians 4:7). We must share it that they may be saved Mark 16:15-16 and that we may deliver our souls Ezekiel 33:9.


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